[lively-kernel] Waving the red flag

Dan Ingalls danhhingalls at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 21:46:21 CEST 2010

[re-send to the list as originally intended]

Hey, Dick -

You didn't answer my little questionnaire.  Please everybody, do this.

Regarding zooming UI's, in addition to Negroponte's early work that 
Alan mentioned, you might be interested in this paper:

Generalized and stationary scrolling, ACM SIGCHI 1999
Authors:  Randall B. Smith, Antero Taivalsaari
We present a generalized definition of scrolling that unifies a wide 
range of existing interaction techniques, from conventional scrolling 
through pan and zoom systems and fish-eye views. Furthermore it 
suggests a useful class of new scrolling techniques in which objects 
do not move across the display. These "stationary scrolling" 
techniques do not exhibit either of two problems that plague spatial 
scrolling system: discontinuity in salience and the undermining of 
the user's spatial memory.

We should notice that Antero was a co-author with Randy.  In fact one 
of the first experiments Antero did in the Lively project was to play 
around with zooming worlds instead of our Squeak Project-like 
wormholes.  I thought we even had some code from this in our 
repository, but I don't see it.  [I see that we lost Antero's Sun 
address from the mail list, so I'll CC him]

I just tried inspecting the world and evaluating this.scaleBy(1.1) 
but i see we currently don't use the world's transform (tsk, tsk).

	- Dan
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