[lively-kernel] Goto… Lively Kernel! - URL shortener

Roeder, Marko Marko.Roeder at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Wed Nov 9 19:13:22 CET 2011

Hi Lauritz -

That is what I was hoping for ;-)! @ Part

@ 302 response:
I did not want to do an 301 as the target might change and the browser can cache a 301 result...
I am wondering whether a 303 would be better...

I also added the feature to delete short urls: Simply do a "DELETE" on the goto-page (say: DELETE http://www.lively-kernel.org/goto/Mistake)

Thanks for your feedback,

- Marko

On Nov 9, 2011, at 4:09 , Lauritz Thamsen wrote:

Hi Marko.

Nice! :-)

Here's a part<http://lively-kernel.org/repository/webwerkstatt/users/lauritz/miniprojects/urlShortenerPart.xhtml> for sending those shortener requests. It's also in parts bin (PartsBin/Wiki/URLShortener).
(Note: In some current versions of chromium/chrome, 302er responses aren't handled correctly - for this reason, that parts overwrites short cuts in those browsers without confirmation)


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